CYCADS Volume 3 is now online!

We are excited to announce the publication of the third volume of CYCADS, the official newsletter of IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. Please see inside for important updates in cycad conservation.

ISSN 2473-442X 
Vol. 3 Issue 1 August 2018

Official Newsletter of
Cycad Specialist Group
Species Survival Commission
International Union for Conservation of Nature

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Download the PDF file .

Get to know the world’s most endangered plants – an introduction to cycads

CSG members Nathalie Nagalingum and James Clugston have collaborated on the following video introduction to cycads:

“Cycads are a model group for both education and science communication because of their incredible evolutionary history, ancient origin, and conservation threats. Cycad are at risk due to illegal poaching, over-collection, and habitat loss, and communicating these threats is very important to cycad survival. In a highly connected world, science communication is vital and online media can quickly get the message across.

This video i provides an informative introduction to the cycads for scientists and non-scientists alike. The video introduces the Cycad Specialist Group (CSG), and explains cycad history, morphology, diversity, and reproduction. We hope the video will become a resource for all those who have an interest in getting to know and conserving the cycads.”

Get to know the world’s most endangered plants from James Clugston on Vimeo.

“Cycads”, official newsletter of the CSG

View or download issue
Welcome to the first issue of Cycads, the Newsletter of the Cycad Specialist Group! I am excited to introduce our new venue for communicating important new findings and conservation updates on this fascinating group of living treasures. And, it is a wonderful issue to begin with, with a great diversity of papers on subjects that range from workshop reports, to updates on long term conservation efforts, previews of research, and improvements in taxonomy and nomenclature.

Patrick Griffith, IUCN/SSC CSG Co-chair

Table of Contents (Expand to View)
  • Message from Dr. Patrick Griffith, Co-chair, IUCN/SSC CSG
  • Cycad d’Or, “Golden Cycad” awarded to Dr. Dennis Wm. Stevenson

Feature Articles

  • Nong Nooch Cycad Horticulture Workshop: A report (Anders Lindstrom)
  • Cycad Nomenclature Notes:  Regarding Specimens and Epitypes (Michael Calonje) 
  • Visiting the equatorial cycads of Uganda (Phakamani Xaba & De Wet Bösenberg)

Research and Conservation News

  • News from the Entomology & Sustainable Nurseries Subgroups (Willie Tang)
  • Reassessment of the conservation status of Zamia in Puerto Rico (Julio C. Lazcano Lara)
  • An international program of long-term ecological research for Cycad conservation (Cristina Lopez-Gallego)
  • Cycad propagation by rural nurseries in Mexico as an alternative conservation strategy: 25 years on (A.P. Vovides, M.A. Pérez-Farrera & C. Iglesias)
  • Towards a comprehensive phylogeny and classification of Cycas (Nathalie S. Nagalingum)
  • Illegal trade of Cycas cones in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar (JS Khuraijam & Rita Singh)
  • A reassessment of Ceratozamia mexicana (Andrew P. Vovides, Dennis Wm. Stevenson, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Sergio López-Mendoza & Sergio Avendaño)
  • The application of RADseq for conservation genomics of Australian Cycas
    (James A. R. Clugston & Nathalie Nagalingum)
  • Call for image contributions to The World List of Cycads website (Michael Calonje)
  • Ex-situ conservation of Cycads at CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (JS Khuraijam & RK Roy)
  • Preliminary results of Cuban Zamia research and conservation Project
    (R. Oviedo, G. Brull, L. Gonzalez, M. Calonje & J. Francisco-Ortega)

CSG Member News
New CSG Members (2015)
CSG Members (Complete List)

© IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group

2014 Report

Species: 2014 Annual Report of the Species Survival Commission and the Global Species Programme is now available online.

CSG report thumbnailThe Cycad Specialist Group Report is also reproduced here.

2014 was a busy year for cycad conservation. Thank you to all the experts working around the world to help these imperiled plants.


CSG Meeting at Cycad 2015

The CSG will be having its next meeting immediately prior to Cycad 2015, the 10th International Conference on Cycad Biology which will be hosted in Medellín, Colombia. The CSG meeting will take place on August 15th and 16th (2015) and will include a Red Listing Workshop to update the conservation status of cycads for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

The Red Listing Workshop is supported by a grant from The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund.
Cycad 2015 - 10th International Conference on Cycad Biology

Continue reading CSG Meeting at Cycad 2015

The World List of Cycads selected as data provider for The Catalogue of Life

The World List of Cycads, produced under the auspices of the IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group, has been selected as the taxonomic data provider for The Catalogue of Life (CoL). According to the CoL website:

The Catalogue of Life is the most comprehensive and authoritative global index of species currently available. It consists of a single integrated species checklist and taxonomic hierarchy. The Catalogue holds essential information on the names, relationships and distributions of over 1.5 million species.

A list of accepted Cycads on the Catalogue of Life can be found here.

CoL Headerlogo
