CSG Programme Office hosted at Montgomery Botanical Center

Microcycas calocoma at Montgomery Botanical Center

Montgomery Botanical Center (MBC) has been designated as the host of the Programme Office for the Cycad Specialist Group (CSG).

Under a partnership with the IUCN Species Survival Commission, MBC will:

  • Host the ‘Cycad Specialist Group Programme Office’, including provision of workspace, IT and other administrative support for assigned personnel.
  • Support a staff member or members as the Chair, Co-Chair, Vice-Chair, or Programme Officer to the Cycad Specialist Group to liaise with the CSG and its Leadership; oversee agreed administrative and technical tasks; manage other assigned staff, interns or volunteers as may be agreed; and represent the Cycad Specialist Group at agreed forums.
  • Help develop the next generation of cycad conservation expertise through including Cycad Specialist Group work capacity and instruction in its programs for early career conservationists, to provide additional administrative and / or technical capacity under the guidance and management of CSG Leadership.
  • Receive and expend grant funding on behalf of Cycad Specialist Group, with no overhead fees and providing financial records at the request of the Chair(s). Collaborate and liaise with other specified partner organisations supporting the function of Cycad Specialist Group.

This official host relationship was formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding between the IUCN Species Survival Commission and Montgomery Botanical Center, on June 5, 2015.
