Academic opportunity to study population genetics of Panamanian Zamia species

One MSc position is available for a motivated student interested in the study of population genomics and sex ratio of endemic gymnosperms. The MSc program will be pursued at the Biology Department of Laval University ( The project is in collaboration with colleagues of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the Universidad de Panama. 

Population genomics of endangered Zamia species: 

 Recent estimates suggest that 65% of all cycads are endangered (Fragnière et al.2015, J. Biog.). Among Neotropical countries, Panama has a high endemism with 65% of endemic Zamia species (a total of 16-17 described for the isthmus, Taylor et al. 2012). Human development and poaching activities due to the ornamental value of the Isthmian Zamias are threatening the habitats where these plants naturally occur. As part of a long-term program to study the diversity of Panamanian zamias and their symbiont. We are looking for a motivated MSc student to study the species Zamia pseudoparasitica ( extraordinary plant is endemic to Central Panama and is the only strictly epiphytic gymnosperm. The species has been subject of intense attention from the media because of the recent discovery of its potential seed disperser ( 

 The proposed project consists in collecting, sexing (using molecular markers) and genotyping (using genomic approaches) populations of Zamia pseudoparasitica in the country. Additionally, the student will be contributing to the current efforts to assess endophyte diversity. Assessing the genetic diversity of the populations in the five known sites of Z. pseudoparasitica, will aid in understanding the genetic diversity and channel efforts to pursue genetic and demographic rescue of less diverse populations in Panama. 

The successful candidate must have strong field skills and adaptability. We are looking for an individual who is highly self-motivated and can work independently and with interest in bioinformatics. Field and most lab work will be conducted in Panama, at STRI, while the student must take a few courses (some in French) at Laval University. Additionally, the student will be working at the Institute of Integrative Biology and systems of Laval University ( 

To be considered, please send a single PDF file merged from the following parts: CV, academic transcripts, a statement of research interests not exceeding one page, and the name of two academic references to Applications will be considered until September 15, 2022, or until the position is filled, whichever comes first. The position is available for the winter of 2023.   Funding is available for 2 years: $ 17 000/year.  More information on our working group can be found here:

CYCADS Volume 6 Issue 1 is now online

We are excited to announce the publication of the latest issue of CYCADS, the official newsletter of IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. Please see inside for important updates in cycad conservation.

ISSN 2473-442X 
Vol. 6 Issue 1, January 2022

Official Newsletter of
Cycad Specialist Group
Species Survival Commission
International Union for Conservation of Nature

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Proceedings of Cycad 2015

We are excited to announce the Proceedings of Cycad 2015!

This volume provides a record of the important findings of the 10th international Cycad Conference in Colombia, and includes the Medellín Cycad Declaration, 6 chapters based on work presented at the conference, and an updated World List of Cycads:


Cycads, Maize, and Garfish: Ethnoecological Systems in Formative Period Mesoamerican Art.

New roads in, Zamia species out: the case for Isthmian Cycads.

Chromosome architecture drives cycad evolution.

Cycad anatomy: Old techniques solving new problems.

Eumaeus godartii butterfly: Pest friend or foe?

Taxonomic status of the Cycas pectinata complex.

The World List of Cycads.

A limited number of hardcover editions are available through the support of Montgomery Botanical Center. Details will be forthcoming.

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New Proceedings Volume

Cycad Biology and Conservation: The 9th International Conference on Cycad Biology is now available!

Cycad 9 CoverFor contents and ordering information, including online access, please see this link. The CSG is grateful to NYBG Press for producing this volume. Corresponding authors will receive a shipped copy courtesy of Montgomery Botanical Center. 

A video from The New York Botanical Garden highlights the important contributions of this new book:

CYCADS Volume 3, Issue 2 is now online!

We are excited to announce the publication of the latest issue of CYCADS, the official newsletter of IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. Please see inside for important updates in cycad conservation.

ISSN 2473-442X 
Vol. 3 Issue 2 December 2018

Official Newsletter of
Cycad Specialist Group
Species Survival Commission
International Union for Conservation of Nature

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Get to know the world’s most endangered plants – an introduction to cycads

CSG members Nathalie Nagalingum and James Clugston have collaborated on the following video introduction to cycads:

“Cycads are a model group for both education and science communication because of their incredible evolutionary history, ancient origin, and conservation threats. Cycad are at risk due to illegal poaching, over-collection, and habitat loss, and communicating these threats is very important to cycad survival. In a highly connected world, science communication is vital and online media can quickly get the message across.

This video i provides an informative introduction to the cycads for scientists and non-scientists alike. The video introduces the Cycad Specialist Group (CSG), and explains cycad history, morphology, diversity, and reproduction. We hope the video will become a resource for all those who have an interest in getting to know and conserving the cycads.”

Get to know the world’s most endangered plants from James Clugston on Vimeo.
