We are excited to announce the publication of the latest issue of CYCADS, the official newsletter of IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. Please see inside for important updates in cycad conservation.
ISSN 2473-442X CYCADS Vol. 6 Issue 1, January 2022 Official Newsletter of Cycad Specialist Group Species Survival Commission International Union for Conservation of Nature
We are excited to announce the Proceedings of Cycad 2015!
This volume provides a record of the important findings of the 10th international Cycad Conference in Colombia, and includes the Medellín Cycad Declaration, 6 chapters based on work presented at the conference, and an updated World List of Cycads:
Cycads, Maize, and Garfish: Ethnoecological Systems in Formative Period Mesoamerican Art.
New roads in, Zamia species out: the case for Isthmian Cycads.
Chromosome architecture drives cycad evolution.
Cycad anatomy: Old techniques solving new problems.
Eumaeus godartii butterfly: Pest friend or foe?
Taxonomic status of the Cycas pectinata complex.
The World List of Cycads.
A limited number of hardcover editions are available through the support of Montgomery Botanical Center. Details will be forthcoming.
We are excited to announce the publication of the latest issue of CYCADS, the official newsletter of IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. Please see inside for important updates in cycad conservation.
ISSN 2473-442X CYCADS Vol. 4 Issue 2 December 2019 Official Newsletter of Cycad Specialist Group Species Survival Commission International Union for Conservation of Nature
We are excited to announce the publication of the latest issue of CYCADS, the official newsletter of IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. Please see inside for important updates in cycad conservation.
ISSN 2473-442X CYCADS Vol. 4 Issue 1 October 2019 Official Newsletter of Cycad Specialist Group Species Survival Commission International Union for Conservation of Nature
Cycad Biology and Conservation: The 9th International Conference on Cycad Biology is now available!
For contents and ordering information, including online access, please see this link. The CSG is grateful to NYBG Press for producing this volume. Corresponding authors will receive a shipped copy courtesy of Montgomery Botanical Center.
A video from The New York Botanical Garden highlights the important contributions of this new book:
We are excited to announce the publication of the latest issue of CYCADS, the official newsletter of IUCN/SSC Cycad Specialist Group. Please see inside for important updates in cycad conservation.
ISSN 2473-442X CYCADS Vol. 3 Issue 2 December 2018 Official Newsletter of Cycad Specialist Group Species Survival Commission International Union for Conservation of Nature
The Official 2016-2017 Report for the Cycad Specialist Group is now published. This report will be available on the IUCN SSC website as part of the overall Species Survival Commission report.
The Cycad Specialist Group met on Thursday Evening, August 23, 2018. Discussion centered on revitalizing the central focus of the group on conservation. Additionally, new funding opportunities were presented, as seen in the most recent issue of CYCADS.
Shenzhen Fairylake Botanical Garden has produced a new educational video about cycads, featuring the Chinese National Cycad Conservation Center. Thank you to Dr. Li Nan!